the avowed of house everloste.
⨯protector, trauma holder

usually frontmost, vit can be quite awful and unapologetic. he uses his anger and spitefulness as motivation, and he indulges in people's misconceptions of him; performing a sort of malicious compliance with their expectations. hes a good listener, always ready to let someone vent. he has a lot of empathy for animals, and almost none for humans he doesnt already trust. he is our protector, he is vicious so we dont have to be. he tries his best to keep our boundaries.

❥core, creative

lo is most comfortable online. they are very shy otherwise.

Leve D'Arcadie
✦caretaker, lover

arde is insecure and modest. they only ever stand up for their loved ones, and often only take over when they are needed.

for everloste